May 12th 2023

Good Morning,

Grabbed my night bag to Madrid and everyone was ready to go. Shannon, Tatum, and Baylee took a taxi and Tia and I did. Got to the train statio our group was the first to be there. We waited and got on the train to Madrid! Shannon and I sat together. Unfortunately, I forgot my headphones so I took a nap. We arrived and took a bus to the hotel. Erin and I had a room together. We had a couple ours to explore before our excursion. Tatum, Shannon, Erin, and I got tacos at the Trek Taco next to our hotel called Hotel Madrid Plaza Espana. Erin and I went off to explore she found a cute book store to go to before hand we were at a small park. swing on the swings and used the tetertater. The bookstore was called Desperate Literature. it was very cute. Went into a record store called LA GRAMOLA and saw an old telephone booth. Erin and I  sat down at a place called Curreria Chocolateria est 1902 and I got churros with a cup of chocolate. Erin bought a movie for her brother national treasure in Spanish. After we walked back to the hotel to take a power nap before the excursion.

Excursion Walk of Madrid

Ready for the walk of Madrid. We met our tour guide and went walking through Madrid. We saw this one pice that was from Egypt. A cool park and along the way through the park some peps allergies went off due to the pollen. We saw an over view and walked to the palace. I took a video of Jessie, Sophia, add Sabrina in front of the palace. Tatum and I took pics of each other. We finally reached the NUN COOKiES that Robin has been talking about. We could only go in small groups and had to pay cash. You could not see the nuns it was a spindle thing and the tour guide had to speak in Spanish to get what flavor you wanted. Erin and I got lemon and almond flavored. Tatum offered the sugar one and i almost chocked and died from the overwhelming amounts of powder sugar on it. After that we walked to the main square and the tour ended. Got a pic with the tour guide and asked where good food is located.


Tatum, Shannon, and I went exploring around found a game store went in and also heard an artist performing outside the store. We got to the restaurant had some potatoes and water and left it was not that great of a choice so we found somewhere else. Along the way to the other place everyone was cold so Tatum and Shannon bought hoodies I did not I stuck it out. Got pasta with cheese Tatum got pizza and Shannon did not get anything. I got the waiters instagram due to his tattoos. We left and went to the apartment. Looked online and went to the tallest rooftop bar dinner payed the entry fee and got our picture on the glass balcony. Everyone concurred there fear of heights for that photo. Tatum went back to the hotel Shannon and I got BurgerKing. Went to our hotel and that was the night.



Categories: MadridSpain