I would like to reflect on my first lecture.  

May 10th,2023, we had our first lecture meeting at CEA.  Mr Benjamin Cunningham is a professor in journalism here at CEA and a plethora of other universities. Mr (blank) had a lot of interesting statements and facts he shared with the class. These are the things that stood out the most for me.


– Cunningham told us about a website called reporters without borders which is an international non profit and non governmental website for journalists to come together and be protected to have the freedom to spread information throughout. The project also helps journalists if they are wrongly arrested for reporting the news (  true fully ) by providing legal fees. There is also a list of countries who have the most strict rules/ regulations regarding journalism/publications ( America ranks #43 which is pretty low regarding how much information you can release to the public.)  


– Cunningham also taught me that while America broadcasting stations also report serious/ hard hitting news ( to a certain degree), America also shares lighthearted stories as well from time to time, a lot of countries may not have this option, Only sharing straight and narrow news reports. 


– when reporting/ interviewing you should never assume especially when reporting internationally. Cunningham says “ You have to assume you don’t know anything to the point of being paranoid.” always have a friendly approach when interviewing individuals ( especially in regards to sensitive subjects) 

Overall this was a great business lecture start

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