I love a Catamaran trip! I am a boat girl! It gives nothing but hours of vibes, fresh air, live music ( which is a beautiful touch to any boat trip) and a glass of champagne. This was the life I was made for. Wearing colorful dresses, Big curly hair blowing in the wind as I sit back and take everything in. What a beautiful start to my Barcelona trip. This is one excursion I will not forget, It has become a core memory. A catamaran trip is something everyone should get to experience. It allows you to relax, take a pause from the rush and go of everyday life, reflect on whatever it is you want to dwell on, or simply turn your mind off all while being surrounded by the beautiful ocean.
While on the catamaran, In the beginning of the trip I simply laid on the netted seat where you can see the ocean underneath you, But shortly I got up to grab a real seat by the concession stand to grab a glass of champagne and plain potato chips while I put on my yellow scar over my hair to control the breeze and sit while listening to the romantic music played on a saxophone. After the 2 hour trip we returned back to land where I went to find some delicious food at Reial Club Marítim De Barcelona that provided Crochets, Octopus, Pasta and what a delicious meal it was indeed delicious.

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