Let me take you back to my first day in Barcelona ( or first days rather.)

After the several hour flight and my heavy luggage behind me, I’m ready to face my first day. I’m getting settled on Muntaner street, My neighborhood seems to be in a busy area ( Reminds me that I’m in a more calm New York City.) I immediately notice that my apartment is in the middle of starbucks and Popeyes chicken with a million other things surrounding me.  As I’m unpacking and getting settled in, I’m remembering that we were told to try not to sleep as soon as possible to fight jet lag. With this in mind I go to get some supplies that I needed to keep me busy.
It is important to note that I am a Target shopping girl. At home, I find any excuse to go to Target, So naturally I make this my first stop in Barcelona. I would quickly realize to my disappointment that there is no Target in Spain, Nor a Walmart and CVS. For a moment I start panicking because I need supplies for my hair. Now you may be asking why this is so important… Well because I am a black woman, I need supplies that help maintain and take care of my hair that specializes in black people’s hair. Stores that have these supplies are Called beauty supply hair stores. Beauty supplies are very common in America but can be scarce in other countries depending on where you are. There were a few beautiful supply stores in Barcelona where I was able to get my edge control and edge brush, hot comb ( for a high price ), hair detangle and other hair needs. I was very happy and felt more confident knowing that I found a hair store that supplies my needs

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