On our few free days after Madrid, I decided to learn the surrounding areas of Barcelona and go out and explore! Me and my friends took the metro over near the Arc of Triumph to this very nerdy district. There were comic book stores on every block! There was once called Norma Comics that took over two buildings and the connecting basement! IT was truly the biggest comic book store I have ever seen in my life. These few days on the 14th and 15th were very fun! And I was challenged with learning the metro stops and connecting stations.

My best memory from these two days was the FC Barcelona parade that went right by our apartment going through Gran Via de Los Corts Catalanes. We got a really good spot on the sidewalk to watch the parade, and we avoided the rushing crowd of fans that followed the busses that the players were on. It was amazing to see how much pride and energy the people of Barcelona have for their team, and it was just as great being able to see some of the best athletes in the world up close. This led us to want to buy tickets for their upcoming game. FC Barcelona won the LaLiga championships which is why the parade was held in the first place. We watched the previous game briefly the night before, but had no idea now impactful the win would be! I’m glad I was in the city during such a historic win, and the excitement of the parade will stay with me forever.

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