As we leave Spain I am feeling extremely grateful for all that I got to experience. This has been a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will never forget.This has been a wonderful trip full of great memories, amazing food, and unforgettable experiences! On my last day in Spain, we started off by waking up and going to a delicious caffe where I had a jamon and cheese croissant and a caffelatte! We then walked around and went to a few shops! We then took the train and walked by the beach! For our last day it was beautiful out. So before we met for lunch we sat out in the sun. We then met for our farewell lunch. This lunch was one of the best meals I had while being here in Barcelona. every course was delicious, but the portions were huge! We had multiple courses and had seafood paella as my main dish! It was sad to say bye to Nonna and bea! I am so sad to leave, but I am glad for all that I experienced.

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