On the 9th we first went to visit perhaps the most famous landmark of Barcelona: La Sagrada Familia! Getting there was a bit tricky for us, since we were totally lost in the vast crowd that surrounded the cathedral. But we made it in time, and the inside was just as breathtaking as the outside! The architecture is truly amazing to see up close, and the amount of detail left me staring up at the walls, ceiling, and windows and not watching where I was going. Seeing how Gaudi avoided straight lines in intricate ways leaves you in awe. The pillars on the inside are meant to represent trees, and in turn life and Jesus. It truly blew my mind. The cathedral is still being built, so I was unable to go up to the top. We went at the perfect time of the day to visit, and the sun was shining through the stained glass on the west facing wall, leaving this beautiful haze of warm colors that splashed on to the pillars and statues. It was a sight that I will remember forever, and If I ever some back to visit after it is finished I will be sure to take more photos and videos. The best and worst part about La Sagrada Familia was that it was so beautiful it was hard for me to remember to use my camera!

Next was Parc Guell, which carried the themes of curves and natural architecture. The view overlooking the city was amazing, and all of the colors in the mosaics scattered throughout were beautiful. It was also a perfect day, not too hot and not overly busy. There were also a few musicians playing music throughout the park and it was very relaxing. Perhaps the funniest moment of the trip so far was when Sophia and Sabrina found a lost baby doll at the park, and gave it to one of the workers. We all cheered for him holding the doll like a real baby, and then he tossed it high in the air and sat on it. I will miss Alberta the baby doll forever.

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