And the adventure continues!

Day 2 was filled with tourist activities… all while trying to fit in!







Our first stop was the Trevi Fountain to try and avoid the crowds, which was successful! It was a little rainy which also helped us out. Then, we went and got our favorite “American Breakfast” at another cafe.






We headed back to Vatican City later that morning to go to St. Peter’s Basilica, which we did not have time for the night prior. The line was long but moved pretty fast. For how much I absolutely loved the Sistine Chapel, a part of me loved St. Peter’s even more. The gold ornamentation through the entire church was breathtaking – I could have looked at just the ceiling for hours.




On our walk back to the hotel, we stopped to get pizza for the first time in Italy. I have heard that Roman pizza is the best and that was proven to be more than true. I have had a lot of good pizza in my life, but this was better than I ever could have imagined. The fresh buffalo mozzarella is INCREDIBLE. I am still dreaming about this cheese.

We also got some cafe lattes (our newest obsession) and a classic caprese salad – exceptional. I called my mom to chat with her for a little bit before we walked back to the hotel. It was pretty rainy, but I had bought an umbrella that morning so it was not all that bad. Still beautiful as ever.

I had researched some good places to get seafood in Rome and stumbled across this restaurant called Angie’s. I’ll be honest, I had my doubts, because the name sounded pretty American. But the reviews were good so we got dressed to try it out.


The reviews were right – this place was incredible. It was in the cutest plaza just a couple blocks from the Spanish Steps and is beautiful inside. We got sat outside and had an awesome waiter named Leonardo. We had actually read about him online, so it was super ironic when we actually got him!

I ordered shrimp scampi and Sabrina ordered carbonara and both were the best pastas I have ever had – even better than the night before! We saw someone next to us order bruschetta, so we put an order in for that after our meal came (worth it!) This was truly the best meal I have ever had.



After this, we just spent the night walking through the streets of Rome. It was an unreal feeling to be in the most beautiful city with my best friend without a care in the world.

This day may go down in history as the best day ever.

Categories: FoodTravel