Ah, it’s the last day in Spain. I couldn’t be happier if I’m being honest. I missed America and my cats.
Instead of sleeping a few of us decided to go and explore the city to beat jet lag. we stayed out until around 5:15 and then we headed back to our apartment. we needed to pack a few. ore things and tidy up our apartment.
I cheated though I took I think about a 20-minute nap. even with only 20 minutes, I was still energized because I was thrilled to leave. we needed to meet up at 6:40 so we didn’t have much time to say goodbye to Spain. The bus ride to the airport flew by. Once getting out I was super excited. unfortunately, the zipper of my bag broke but I fixed it so it is okay.
we headed through security which. was crazy. since I usually have pre-check I never experience normal security. It was crazy. from there we got to our gate and it felt like seconds before we were boarding. I was lucky enough to have my own row since the girl at the end moved to an empty row. I slept pretty much the whole flight.
once we landed in Philly I was so excited to be back in America. we went through customs but I had a mobile passport so I didn’t wait in a single line. AMAZING!!! we headed back through security but this time I had Precheck so I was through security so fast.
once we got on the plane it literally felt like two seconds before we landed in Pittsburgh. I pretty much ran off the plane I needed to be back home.
Even though I was excited to be back home I had a lot of fun in pain. forever grateful for this opportunity!


Categories: BarcelonaSitgesTravel