Last weekend here in Spain!!
with only a few more days left, Katie, Jessie, and I decided to stay in Spain. On Saturday we decided to have one last beach day. We just loved Sitges so we decided to go there!
We decided to go shopping before that though. we of course went to Zara. it was a pretty fast shopping morning since we all were excited about the beach. We went back to the apartment to get ready.
we left for the train around noon. we got to the train and got there pretty quickly. we immediately lay down on the beach. it was so nice to just chill on the beach. we stayed on the beach for a few hours before deciding we needed a sweet treat. we headed to get gelato and shopped at the small local stores. we were just walking down the streets before we got hungry.
we decided to stop at a local bakery to get sandwiches. it was my first sandwich of this whole trip was shocking. it was pretty good. after that, we decided to head back. we walked back to the station. we got back to Barcelona and it was so much colder and we still had to walk to our apartment. we finally got there and just rested before we were hungry again. we weren’t really in the mood to eat a real meal so we headed to Taco Bell. I did not like it. unpopular opinion, I like America Taco Bell better!

Categories: BarcelonaSitgesSpain