A look behind the scenes at a music festival!

Out of all of the lectures on this trip, I felt that this was the most digestible for me. It was likely because the content was applicable to my life, not to mention Marta Salicru had a vibrant PowerPoint to accompany her presentation.

Marta’s title within the workforce is “music journalist,” which I never really considered before meeting her! Just as theatre and movies need journalists, music does as well, and Marta is definitely an expert in her field!

The company started as Primavera Sound, an international music festival first founded in Barcelona in 2001. Is has expended to other regions of Europe and even internationally to North and Sound America. In 2019, the company expanded to Radio Primavera Sound where they broadcast audio and video.

Similar to many radio stations we see here, Radio Primavera Sound outputs music, culture, comedy, and journalism. The platform that Marta emphasized the most was their podcasts, which have proven to be popular on an international scale.

She also spoke a lot on the impacts of COVID, which we researched a lot in our international media projects earlier this semester. During the height of the pandemic, Radio Primavera was able to increase their following about 90% as they provided entertainment and media.

Additionally, Radio Primavera Sound caters to the underrepresented groups in media such as women, the queer community, and has a feminism-forward platform. This is appealing to the general public, for mainstream media typically focuses on the middle-aged white male.

The success of Radio Primavera Sound is closely related to their strategic planning and the mirror effect of their employees and the material they produce. Not to mention, their music festivals create a great environment for people worldwide!

Categories: BarcelonaLecture