As much as I have been enjoying exploring the various cities in Spain, I was really interested in going on a hike and seeing some nature.

In my research, I came across Mount Montserrat as being a great local day trip to climb a mountain. I rode the train taking me outside the city and placing myself at the base of the mountain.

There is a hub about halfway up where there are shops, museums, a church, and cafes. To reach that point you could walk, bike, or take a cable car. I rode the cable car which was quick and gave a really nice view taking you straight to the hub area.

After learning about the different hikes, I really wanted to reach the top of the mountain which was the longest and hardest. It takes about two hours which includes climbing a lot of stairs carved into rocks, walking through a forest, then climbing steep slopes and more stairs to finally reach the top.

At the top, I was able to see for miles in every direction. It was really a breathtaking sight. The climb down was significantly easier and I finished the trip by buying some local wine.

I learned later on that the mountain is considered a holy place with around 80 monks living there.

Later that day, I went to the bar Obama to eat, listen to live music, and watch the futbol game. Climbing the mountain has definitely been my favorite activity I have done in Spain. And that’s about it.

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