Today is the start of our 3-day weekend which gives everyone a chance to explore and leave the local area of Barcelona.

I was invited to tag along to take a trip to Tarragona, which is a port city. I took the train which was about an hour and a half and got to spend the entire day exploring.

The real draw for me was the Roman architecture found throughout the city. I’ve never seen a city so integrated with ancient architecture. There was also a big variety in the type of architecture there. Besides Roman architecture, there were medieval and Spanish Civil War fortresses to explore.

I got to explore the gladiatorial ring and the most interesting aspect was seeing how over time people built on top of it repurposing it. Another really cool highlight was seeing the Roman circus where they would do chariot races.

There was an underground section that housed the competitors and horses. Up top, you could see a partially intact section of the circus with the area and seating.

We also got to walk along the outer wall of the old Spanish Civil War fortress which still has canons and sniper towers. During that part, we came across a very friendly cat and hung out with it for a bit.

Before leaving, we had dinner and I tried vermouth for the first time. It was served with olives and an orange slice. I was expecting a very strong drink, but I was surprised at how smooth it was.

We ended the day by waiting hours in the train station because the trains were delayed. And that’s about it.

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