On our two free days following Madrid, we were not wasting any time!

Jessie, Katie, Sabrina, and I woke up bright and early (3am!) to top on a flight to Palma de Mallorca, Spain. We were a little nervous about the lines at the airport, but ended up flying through check in and security which left us some time to grab a quick bite to eat before boarding the 30-minute plane ride to Mallorca.

When we landed, we took a taxi to Hotel Samos where we checked in, even though it was only 9am at this point. While our room wasn’t ready, the staff let us lock our bags away and try their massive breakfast buffet (seriously the biggest I’ve ever seen).


After eating, we headed over to the beach where we laid out on the chairs until it started raining. It got pretty chilly with the rain, but it passed quickly so I can’t complain. While trying to wait out the rain, we decided to walk back to the hotel and check out the pools. There were three different pools at the hotel, one on the roof and two down by the bar. I do not think we could have chosen a better place to stay!




We just spent the day between the beach and the pool before heading in to get showered for dinner. The restaurant we chose was right on the water and it was beautiful! They even gave us blankets to sit with while we ate outside. It was a long but exhausting day!





We woke up on day 2 our first stop was the breakfast buffet where the chef made some eggs just for us! We headed down to the pool for a little bit to wait out the rain again, then to the beach once the sun came out. Once it did, the day was seriously perfect – not a cloud in the sky!

Before we packed up to leave, we went back to the pool for a couple hours where we got lunch and laid in the sun before we needed to catch our taxi to the airport. It was really nice to relax for a weekend after the two weeks of exploring we had prior!

Categories: SpainTravel