Hi everyone! My name is Sabrina Breslin and I am currently a junior here at Point Park University. I am 20 years old and I am from Brooklyn, New York. I am studying at PPU to get my BFA in dance as a modern concentration. I am also obtaining my masters in early childhood education (Pre-k  to fourth grade).

Travel is something I have always been interested in so I am excited as we are preparing for our trip to Spain in a couple of weeks. After I graduate college I want to continue to travel throughout my career and life. Whether it be through dance or with those that I love. I am excited to have a better understanding of new cultures and get to travel with friends. As we go to Barcelona in May this will be my first time exploring out of the country. I am thankful to have this opportunity and I am looking forward to the relationships I will gain and all that I will experience.

Categories: IntroductionSpain