For my second free day I went to an FC Barcelona match. This has always been a dream of mine ever since I played FIFA 2014 on my XBOX with my dad. I would always pick FC Barcelona because they were a 5-star team in the game and my dad would always pick Madrid another 5-star team and we would play a 20-minute game with each team. Of course, I won because he probably didn’t like it when I lost, but experiencing the game in person was a whole different experience. The crowds chanting and singing was just magical.

Comparing this game to a professional Football game in America, this blows American sports out of the water with the loyalty of the crowds and the cheering of the crowds. If you are reading this and think that American sports are the best in the world you are wrong. I don’t care if you compare it to baseball, basketball, hockey, or even football. What I have experienced is something that American sport could rarely experience. The closest comparison is like attending the Superbowl with your favorite team playing but multiply that by ten.

The game was almost sold out and the previous game that FC Barcelona played they became the La Liga Champions, which is the champions in their league. They ended up losing the game but at the end the fans nor the players didn’t care because they knew that they were being presented with the Trophy. If you are ever in Europe attend a professional football (soccer) game, even if you don’t like the sport still go you will not regret it.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain