On Sunday May 7th I had my first free day and a few of my flat mates and I went to the Barcelona History Museum. This was on the day that most of the museums were free in Barcelona. This History Museum was interesting. They built it on top of ancient ruins that used to be an old church. We also saw ancient artifacts, paintings, and the schematic of what the original church looked like. Seeing these ancient ruins was very cool but the museum was fairly short. I don’t think I would have paid the 20 euros to have access to in on any other day.

We then tried to go to the Picasso Museum, but the free tickets were sold out. We were confused that the free tickets were sold out, but they probably meant they were only accepting a certain amount of people a day. So, we went to the museum across the street from the Picasso Museum which was an ancient world history museum. In my opinion this museum was more interesting than the other one just because it had more variety to it. For example, this museum had sections and floors dedicated to Africa, China, and North America. Even though I am not the biggest history person it was still interesting to see all of the different cultures in one museum. This museum was very short as well and I would recommend going to this museum on the free day.

An important piece of information I had learned this day was that most of the museums in Barcelona a bit overpriced and aren’t typically worth it if you are interested in what they have to offer. I would recommend going to any museum in Barcelona on the free days which is the first and third Sundays of the month.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain