On Thursday May 18th we had a day excursion to the old town Girona and a visit to the Dali Museum. The old town Girona is now famous for being a set piece for the series of Game of Thrones. I haven’t caught up with the series but from what I have heard the town is very noticeable in the sixth season. Especially where this one character has to do a walk of shame to atone her sins. Other than the Game of Thrones location they were also celebrating their flower festival. There were so many beautiful flowers laid all over the ground and in the trees. Even though they were suffering from a drought the flowers still looked amazing. If I were to go back to Spain, I would visit the old town Girona again and spend a few days there. It was nice and calm compared to Barcelona and Madrid.

After our short time in Girona, we then went to the Dali Museum which is a surrealism art museum. This by far was my favorite museum I have been to during my time in Spain. I just wish we had a little bit more time here and not rush through the entire museum within an hour. The meaning behind all of Dali’s paintings are so emotional. He dedicated that art museum to his wife and once his wife had died, he stopped painting and creating art in general because he didn’t find a purpose anymore. This is a must see even if you are not big into art.

Categories: GironaSpain