I have been craving Tacos for a little while now, Not your everyday Taco Bell kind of taco but a real authentic one. So I finally had some free time to do some research to find a taco place. In the midst of my research for tacos, LA TAQUERIA popped up and it was a winner. In the video that I watched for LA TAQUERIA, it showed good vibes, intimate setting, and most importantly the tacos looked delicious. Upon arriving it was indeed a little crowded. I ordered guacamole with chips and chicken tacos and corn cake ( simple enough.) The customer service was great! Very friendly, Helpful with recommendations, and quick delivery with my meal. The guacamole was very good I almost licked the bowl. The four mini chicken tacos were juicy and flavorful with a hint of spicy that you can add on. The corn cake with coco ice cream was also worth it and I’m not even a sweets kind of girl. However! the price did catch me by surprise. Four mini tacos, Guacamole, corn cake and a drink totaled 30$. That’s not too bad however, I believed 25$ max would have been better price. However, Nothing major to complain about. I had a good night overall and still would recommend this place.

Categories: Food