Hello! Im extremely excited to be going to Barcelona. By the time I am there, I will be a senior studying Broadcast Production and Media Management. I help out with NewsNight and Daybreak, which are student run shows through UView, and I am mostly in a floater-like position, but I hope to gain a bigger position. This past semester I have branched out to begin working on some multimedia projects and have co-produced a late night/variety show through my producing class. I am a huge nature guy, and I love to travel although I have never been out of the U.S. I’m most excited to tour the city, take photos, and try every dish I can. I am one of the least-picky eaters you will ever meet, and if something sounds interesting, I will not pass up the opportunity to try it.

Traveling to Spain is also an excellent opportunity for me to gain some experience in media production, and I am looking forward to learning more about the industry from an international perspective, and to build my portfolio further. I have worked a lot in guest services, reservations, and some professional level photography. In my previous summer job, I reserved white water rafting tours, and helped plan and reserve national bike vacation tours for, and one in Cuba! Super excited to see what experiences I gain from Barcelona!

Categories: IntroductionSpain