Just kidding… I am definitely not a MediaPro.

As a non-media major on this media-driven study abroad, I do believe that I have a much different perspective as we participate in these guest lectures and media visits. Rather than having a career that is applicable to the visits, I have to make the visits applicable to my career, which can be a little challenging at times.

Nonetheless, I actually really enjoyed our first day of lectures and business visits. We started with a lecture by Benjamin Cunningham, making it our first day of “real school” on our trip.

Starting his career in Michigan, Ben worked for magazine companies back when hundreds of thousands of papers were being sold daily, about 20 years ago. At the time, printing and pressing were done in the same buildings as the offices, so he got to see the whole process completed from start to finish.

He shares how at the time, it felt advantageous that he did not have one specific avenue he was reporting in, for he was able to learn a little bit of everything. I think this was a big eyeopener for me, so I was glad he capitalized on this!

Benjamin shared a lot about his academic career, his time overseas, and what eventually led him to pivot in his own direction and write a book. I really enjoyed what he had to say and did feel like there was a lot to walk away with!

We then traveled over to a business visit at MediaPro which was an absolutely massive production company in Barcelona. In addition to touring the facilities, we were also given a very in-depth presentation on how this company utilizes the most advanced technology to broadcast futbol games across Spain – so cool! There was so much information, a lot to take in, but I thought the facilities were incredible and I enjoyed seeing the behind-the-scenes of the futbol games we saw on television!

For our first “school day,” I would say it went pretty well! Definitely learning and experiencing a lot here in Barcelona!