I would like to start off by saying that I absolutely LOVED Madrid. I know there’s an underlying beef between Madrid and Barcelona, but I couldn’t help but to fall in love with it. It was definitely more my speed and made me feel more comfortable being in that city setting again. I hate to say it, but I’m leaning more toward Madrid over Barcelona. I just really enjoyed my time there.


 When we first arrived, we went to the taco place right next door to our hotel. I would rate it a 4/10 experience. The tacos were very tiny, but the prices were amazing. After tacos and taking a slight nap, we started our walking tour. Our tour guide kept us very entertained and on our toes. We saw so much greenery and different parks which is what stood out to me the most. It gave me a sense of home. We visited the infamous royal palace along the way, and even saw a monster ?! As our walk continued, we visited the nuns. Apparently,  there are nuns in Madrid that have a secret cookie business. I say secret because the entire time we did not see any of their faces. You’d walk in, order your cookies and place your money on a revolving table, and then they’d spin your cookies back out to you. That was probably the most interesting thing that I have ever seen in my life.

Fast forwarding to later on in the night, some of us girls gathered to go celebrate being in Madrid! It was such a cool experience and we ended up at a place that had five floors with five different genres of music. We all enjoyed ourselves and made it home safely. I am so thankful for the time that I got to spend in Madrid.

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