
The first day in Madrid has been amazing. Though the early time of the train was less than desirable I was happy to have pretty much a full day here especially, for the walking tour brought to us by Angel! 

Madrid is so much bigger than I imagined it to be. If I could compare it to somewhere I would have to go with New York but a very European version.

We have been hyped up about these cookies made by nuns here and I was worried we may not get to try them because for some reason they have been out of commission for the last few months. However, Thank goodness our fabulous professor Robin had her sister who I’ve been made aware has been a nun in the past, pray for us to get these cookies and I was overjoyed to get some delicious almond flavored ones!

Besides this my favorite part of the tour was seeing the palace. It just baffles my mind that such a large home exists obviously, for more than just the royal family but still it has over 600 bedrooms! I was a little disappointed at how many furries I saw charging people to take photos with them just because it made it into more of a theme park vibe which this place is most definitely not. I guess people have to make their way in this world one way or another so to each their own!

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us here!

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