I was so sad to miss the business lecture today with media España but I have suddenly been stricken down by a Spanish virus. 

After my second day of having a fever and calling my mama I realized sleeping it off may not be the cure for me. I figured it was about time for me to see the Spanish doctor. 

While I was scared and sick going to a doctor in another country I was feeling like my body was rejecting me. However, the CEA recommended a good one that was only $65. I am happy to report that after possibly the fastest doctor’s visit of my life (I mean in and out in under 30 min) I was given a few prescriptions which I was able to pick up at a pharmacy across the street. 

I am feeling on the upswing and am hopeful to join in for all of the activities In Madrid. 

While the situation may not have been ideal especially because we are only here for 3 weeks so 2 days feels like a lot of time lost. I am really proud of myself for navigating this all on my own in another country. I spoke in spanish with the doctor which was exciting because the longer I am here the better my spanish is getting and the less weird looks I am getting from the locals! I am loving every new experience here, good and bad and I can’t wait to feel better so I can fully enjoy the rest of my days here!

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