Madrid was a cool experience!

Despite having to wake up super early to meet at the train station. It was my very first time taking a train so it was interesting. Since it was early I put my headphones in and pretty much slept the whole train ride to Madrid. When we got there some of our rooms weren’t ready yet and it just so happened to be mine. We got to put out things in the luggage room which was nice.

After that we just went next door and got tacos. I’m not the biggest fan of tacos so I didn’t enjoy that. We went to Zara again since they are everywhere. We went back to the hotel after and we got to check in. I took a nap before we had to go to our visit.

When it was time to head to the tour it was starting to rain. It was cool to see all of the landmarks.

After the tour, we went to go get pizza. It was good. Not the worst but not the best.  After that we stopped in a thrift store. I’m not the biggest fan of thrifting so I was just looking around. After that we went back to the hotel and I pretty much went to bed right when we got back.

The Last Day in Madrid

On our last day we had a tour of the Prado Museum. The art was great to look at but i felt the tour guide was rushing through everything. Luckily we were able to stay after and take a look at everything at our speed. I enjoyed it a lot more when we were on our own.

After we digested the art we decided to head to grab food before we head to grab the train again. We went to this place called Mozzarella bar. It was good. I got another pizza and this one was better than the first one. After that we headed back to the hotel to meet up before taking a bus to the train station. I was planning on sleeping this train ride but i fell asleep. This ride felt longer probably cause all i wanted to do was head back to the apartment. Overall Madrid was pretty nice!

Categories: MadridSpain