Sabrina, Sophia, Jessie, and I decided to book a short trip to Mallorca, a small island off Barcelona’s coastline, for the two days we had off after our Madrid trip. We found cheap flights and a cheap hotel close to the beach and decided to go for it.

Our flight was at 6:30 a.m., so we had to leave for the airport around 4:45 in the morning. We got in and through the airport pretty fast so we had time to grab some coffee before leaving. We walked to our gate and as we walked down the jet bridge I realized we were heading to a bus. It was a fairly small plane so we got to board up the stairs from the tarmac.


Our taxi driver from the airport to the hotel was great! We all sang Total Eclipse of the Heart and Hall of Fame in the car as we were driving across the island. We checked into the hotel, but since it was only about 8:30 in the morning our rooms weren’t ready yet. We headed to the beach to nap and enjoy the morning sun… or what we thought was the morning sun. As we enjoyed our 6 euro sun chairs the clouds rolled in and it started raining. We thought we could wait it out but then it started pouring. Thankfully after walking back to the hotel, our rooms were ready for us.


After the clouds burnt off we spent the afternoon by the three pools that the hotel had. This small town in Mallorca was definitely a big vacation spot for British guests. Our hotel specifically was a big destination for retired couples. I thought it was hilarious that our beach trip was like staying at a retirement community.

We didn’t do much during the day other than lie in the sun, whether at the pool or the beach. We ended the day with dinner at a super cute restaurant on the beach. We had a few tapas to start and some amazing paella. We didn’t realize how expensive dinner was going to be, but thankfully breakfast was included the next morning.

The next day we rushed down to breakfast because we got the times wrong, but all thanks to the sweet chef we got eggs and a whole plate of pancakes! After we checked out we decided to head to the beach. Once again as we were enjoying the sun the clouds rolled in and it started raining again. After about 15 minutes the sky cleared and we ventured back down to the beach. Very similar to the day before we spent a lot of time just lying in the sun, whether we were napping, talking to each other, or reading.

We left for the airport in the evening, so we got two full days of sunshine and rest before our last full week in Barcelona. Something left off about this town and it reminded me of the HBO show The White Lotus, but overall I had a great time working on my tan and taking a break from our schedule.

Categories: SpainTravel