Hi Everyone,

We spent two days in Madrid and it was a really cool experience! While I think I like Barcelona a lot better, I’m still grateful we had the opportunity to go there and did enjoy my time. To start, we had to get to the train station pretty early in the morning and the few of the girls and I got McDonald’s for breakfast! I have been dying to try McDonald’s since we arrived in Spain because I know they have different foods than we do in the states. I got their version of a McMuffin and it was good!

I slept through a lot of the train ride which was nice since I didn’t get much sleep the night before. Once we arrived, we made it to the hotel and Riley’s and my room wasn’t ready for check-in. To kill time we grabbed lunch, went shopping, and walked around. After about an hour our room was ready and we both took naps before the walking tour!

I enjoyed the walking tour as it was very informative and our tour guide was really cool! My favorite parts of the tour were seeing the Royal Palace and buying cookies from the nuns. The man said that the last few times they’ve gone there hasn’t been cookies and so we got really lucky that there was.

After the walking tour we tried to eat dinner at the world’s oldest restaurant but it was closed so we ate at the pizza place next door!

The next day, we went to a museum where we saw lots of famous artwork! It was pretty cool but I wasn’t really in the art gazing mood and was ready to go back to Barcelona! I spent a few hours by myself just walking around and listening to music. I was in my element since I’m a city girl. At one point, I met a woman who is from Madrid and sat in the park and talked to her for about half an hour! I learned a lot about her and Madrid and really enjoyed our conversation.

When it was time to leave we got back on the train and headed back to Barcelona! I liked my time in Madrid but I was ready to come back to my Spanish home!!!!

That’s all about Madrid! See you later.



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