La Sagrada Familia is massive. There is no other way to describe it. Any pictures I have taken are not able to do it justice. It is something you have to see for yourself. I could have stood there for much longer admiring the stained glass, the lighting, or the countless carvings illustrating different bible stories. It also helped to give. history lesson on one of Barcelonas most famous figures, Gaudí. Honestly something that you simply have to see for yourself.

Up next on the tour was the iconic Park Güell. Once a public park now turned private, it is a wonder of smart, earth friendly engineering. Gaudi modeled this park after nature and included as little straight lines as possible, because nature does not feature any straight lines. The architecture is beautiful. The iconic long curvy bench was created using recycled ceramic tile. There is also one particular collage that looks like the pringles guy, which was great.

We ended the day with a long trek up town for burger. Any burger would do, all the boys and I needed a slice of home. Our original burger place we had selected was closed for siesta, something we had completely forgotten about. We ended up at Kachaka Burger, and it HIT. None of us were even saying anything. It felt like the scene in the Avengers when they are all just quietly eating shawarma. The burger was great but the sweet potato fries were peak. The seasoning was amazing. Tomorrow is a journey to a sports tv station, I can’t wait.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain