On Friday May 14th and 15th, we had an overnight excursion to Madrid. We left at 9 in the morning and arrived in Madrid by train at 11am. When we got to our hotel, we had 2 hours to ourselves to get lunch before our tour of Madrid. On our tour we went to a bunch of historical places. The most interesting one to me is the Egyptian temple that was brought to Madrid. Originally there were four temples that were sunk to the bottom of the ocean and Spain was one of the four countries to help out and bring this temple up to the surface. It is interesting that Spain has a lot of Egyptian ties to it. In Barcelona they shipped sand from Egypt to fill the rocky beaches for the 1992 Olympics. It was also interesting to note that Madrid was the was part of the battlefield of the Spanish Civil War.

The next day we went to Museo del Prado an art museum in Spain. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take any pictures in the museum as it was restricted but this museum was very cool. My favorite piece I saw was The Descent from the Cross by Rogier van der Weyden. The reason why this was my favorite piece in the museum is because it was three dimensional. Weyden created a three-dimensional painting way before this style of artwork existed. I also liked the Goyo exhibit they had at the museum. I would highly recommend going to this museum if you are in Spain.

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