Morning ☀️,

Got ready for the day and wore my black and white pants with my white dress down shirt. I was feeling rough from my allergies so I took the Spanish cold medicine I bought. Ran to Starbucks with Erin and Shannon then off to the CEA building for the lecture.  Somehow Baylee and Tia beat us there. the lecture began at 1030am and ended at 12pm. The lectures name was Benjamin Cunningham. He teaches international journalism. He grew up in the states in Michigan. Decided to go to the university of Amsterdam. He lives in Sitges with his wife and daughter. Wrote a book called The Liar: How a double agent in the CIA became the cold wars last honest man.  After the lecture Shannon, Baylee, Erin and I went to lunch. After words we chilled and went to the Tapas cooking class at 545pm

Tapas cooking class at Terra Veritas Market,

Erin ,Shannon, Tatum, Baylee, Tia, and I walked to the Terra Veritas Market. Met everyone else and walked in. Walked through the market into the back were the room looked like we were on the cooking show chopped. Our tour person introduced us to Johann Wald our cooking instructor. Jessie had a full on vlog with the class it was cool she had a vlog thing on her phone to help steady the phone. Our instructor told us some history and we got into groups and went to pick a station. Shannon, Erin, Tatum and I were in a group together and sadly we had the most easiest Tapas one which was the bread and tomato and cheese and meats. Everyone made their Tapas and we displayed it out. We presented ours first then everyone else. There was stuffed peppers, egg and bread, calamari, ours, and a tomato drink. We ate said thank you took a picture and left. I asked Devin what they were up to and he said they were going to a beer place and asked if I wanted to come I said sure so Shannon and Tatum came too. We followed for awhile decided against it said bye to the guys and left.

Dinner Adventure,

WShile walking back to the apartment i wanted a treat so we stopped at this place called Vivari Cafeteria & Pastisseria. I got a cute dessert that I believe was raspberry flavored and the other 2 got croissants with chocolate on them. Went back to the room changed and went out to a cute spot called Paradiso. Took a taxi there. Got a reservation and had to wait between an hour to 2 hours so we walked around. Went to another cocktail place got a cute sticker and went to a cute store that had theme of yellow smily faces and central perk. they had a photo booth so Shannon, Tatum, and I did 2 sets of selfies and got cute pictures. It was time to head back to the restaurant. We got in and man was it cool. The drinks had different titles mine was called the voyage that was space themed. Tatum got the tesla coil and I forget what Shannons was called. We had a good time left and took a taxi home.
