Today we were lucky enough to work with a real local chef who taught us how to make tapas! Tapas are small, shareable dishes with many different ingredients. I haven’t cooked very much since I’ve been at college, so this was a great opportunity to learn how to make many simple and tasty dishes! Our chef taught us some of the history of tapas, and why they’re such a relevant part of the culture and cuisine in Spain. Following the civil war, the country was facing hunger and a lack of imported food and resources, so tavern owners provided these small, cheaper dishes for customers facing the effects of the war. It’s great to see that in modern times, the people still love their tapas, and remember it’s history.

Our group was in charge of a Spanish omelette, served on sliced pieces of a baguette. Using two simple, common ingredients, potatoes chips/slices and eggs, we whisked together a batter that we simmered in a pan, attempting to make the perfect omelette circle. When our egg was sticking but still runny, we placed a plate over the skillet and I gave it one solid flip onto the plate to then slide it back into the pan and cook the other side. I was so nervous to flip the pan, but it went smoothly! Our chef explained this was very common dish in Spanish households, and he even cooks it several times a week. Our first omelette did not come out great, but our second time around was much better.
Some of the other groups made delicious recipes as well, with fried calamari, stuffed eggs, and even a chilled tomato soup called Gazpacho. I really appreciated the experience and trying new food, and I will definitely be taking some of the recipes home with me!