The started at a coffee shop. Today i changed it up a little and got a matcha latte. I’m a big fan of matcha so i really liked it.

After that it was time to head to the first guest lecture. His name is Ben Cunningham. I found the whole lecture quite interesting. I think it’s really cool when people take what they have done and make it longer for a book. It was nice to see his perspective of the whole international media/journalism

After the lecture was over we had some free time so we went to look around h&m. Nothing really caught my eye enough to buy it. From there we needed something to eat so we got empanadas from the place right below our apartment.I got the bacon and cheese one. It was good but it reminded me of a fancy hot pocket.

After that we headed to CEA again to all get to the train to go to MediaPro. It was a really cool place to visit. The technology that they use for it is absolutely insane. The way they can use holograms for interviews. It was crazy. The whole place was amazing to see. they even took us to the rooftop and it was such a beautiful view!

After that I just rested for the night since i was really tired.

Categories: BarcelonaSpain