Spin- What?

Spinsburgh is the ultimate online site for new vinyl collectors in and around the Pittsburgh area. Like many, diving into a new passion can be overwhelming, leaving one lost in a sea of endless internet tabs. This website comes as a tool to provide some baseline information and guides to help new collectors make more informed decisions, take better care of their collections, and give confidence when shopping for a record player.

Another important element that Spinsburgh strives to offer is a sense of community. Sometimes it’s hard for hobbyists to get involved whether that be to anxiety, gatekeeping, or just a lack of not knowing where to look. Spinsburgh addresses those issues by offering a map of local record stores, little interviews with local record collectors, and a video about the places and people in the community. All of these elements are designed to help pave the way for newcomers to more easily get a foothold in the community and feel welcome.

It is worth noting that while Spinsburgh targets new vinyl collectors, it caters to all collectors and enthusiasts alike. Whether it’s finding a new record store on the map or showcasing your collection on the Collector Highlight page, there’s something for everyone on this site.


But Why?

Spinsburgh is my senior capstone project for my Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia at Point Park University. The goal of this project was to create a website using various multimedia elements; video, photos, graphics, copy, and web design, while applying proper production and design techniques throughout.

One of the big goals I wanted to hit was to create a site with a personality. Pittsburgh has a great music scene and its own style, so I wanted to encapsulate some of those elements in Spinsburgh.

I am a big music enthusiast and vinyl collector myself so this project was more than just my big college project. I wanted to create something  that I believe helps represent the local vinyl collecting and music scene in Pittsburgh.