In this day in age, everything feels like it can be found through an electronic device. Paper usage has decreased as many newsletters and forms are sent via email and an Alexa device can do just about anything for you so your hands are always free. Even when it comes to reading, there’s a whole world of e-readers and reading apps right on your phone. While reading on electronics may seem like a simple and easily accessible way to read there are numerous disadvantages to reading electronically over physical books. So it comes down to the golden question, which is better e-books or paper books?
Paper or plastic?
Ever since e-books have gained popularity there’s been a debate of if it’s okay to read e-books—mainly for the sake of your eyes. While a lot of it depends on what you’re looking for in a book, there are scientific facts that hold paper books in higher regard, a lot of time for the reasons of eye-strain, but also a better reading experience.
LCD screens can strain eye-sight
If you already have bad eyesight like me, you don’t want to risk any chance of your eyes getting worse. We’re already stuck looking at computer and phone screens for hours every day whether it be for work, school, or just leisure. With electronic LCD screens, comes the risk of eye strain and computer vision syndrome. Symptoms can get worse the longer your eyes continue to follow along with a computer screen over and over again. Continuous strain can lead to symptoms such as blurred vision, eye irritation, headaches, and other symptoms that affect the overall wellbeing of your vision and body.
Blue light can keep you awake
Alright, so you already stay up late reading books, but, the last thing you need is to not be able to sleep after a late-night reading session due to blue light. Blue light is a product of electronic screens, and according to an article from Harvard Medical School, it can keep you from falling into a blissful sleep. It’s recommended to not look at electronic screens two to three hours before bedtime, so if you’re using books to help yourself fall asleep, you’re better off looking at paper.
You’ll absorb more information
Having a phone, in general, can be a distraction, especially when you’re getting emerged in the book’s land and you get the sudden urge to just check Snapchat real quick. Not to mention, e-books have a lot of links throughout them that are meant to be helpful but can quickly become a distraction as you fall down a rabbit hole of links. Besides the distractions, according to a 2014 study by researchers at Stavanger University in Norway, people actually comprehend and remember more information from paper books than e-readers.
You can’t smell an e-book
I know it sounds silly but paper books do have a smell—ranging from sweet to musty to even floral scents. There really are chemicals that make up an old book smell believe it or not. Attraction to any scents that take us to a place of memory is human nature, just like with old book smell or any other book scents. However, with an e-book, you’re not going to get that book scent and because of there being no scent, alters the reading experience.

Create an at-home library
There are so many different ways to incorporate physical books into everyday life or even keep them as mementos. Books make a great decoration, you can pass physical books onto your other family members, children who grow up with a library at home are brighter students. A study in 2010 by the University of Nevada found that having books at home while children grow up increases the level of education that children achieve. Another note is that you actually own the physical books you buy. With e-books, you’re essentially making a permanent rental but you’ll never have that book actually in your hands.
Physical books are better for note-taking
Now, I could never bring myself to write inside a book or bend pages. For me, books are sacred and I want to keep them as pristine as possible. However, I do enjoy sticking physical bookmarks and notes inside books so that I have references for different pages. I love the ability to be able to open straight to a bookmark physically and still see other bookmarks as well. You can’t physically write inside an e-book. While some e-books may offer the ability to leave virtual notes by highlighting text, you can’t write in the margins or leave physical bookmarks throughout. You can’t even draw a line connecting two sentences nor dog-ear book pages.
Used book market
Why would you give more money to big corporations when you can give more money to individual authors and small business owners? You can’t buy used e-books but you can buy used books that are a cheaper alternative to new books. If you buy used books at a used bookstore then that money is going directly to a small business as well. You can also sell your books if you decide you don’t want them anymore and then use that money to buy more books.
Can have multiple books open and in front of you at once
The only way to have multiple e-books open and all in front of you at the same time is if you have multiple electronics open. If you’re a multitasker who often uses books for assignments or research, this is a pain. It isn’t helpful when comparing books or needing multiple books open for projects.
If you throw an e-book across the room when you’re done with it you’re going to have a broken phone
It may sound stupid at first glance but sometimes your emotions get too pent up at the end of a novel and your first instinct is to throw it. I have thrown many books after reading an ending that upset me. However, if I went to throw an e-book, I would break my phone, and no one wants that. A broken phone screen is going to cost a lot more than a book. Instead, you’re able to throw a physical book and not hurt anything.
Tangible Item
There’s no better feeling than closing the back of a book when you’re finished with it. It’s satisfying and gives you a feeling of success and completion. Having a tangible book in your hands also makes the story feel like reality, a paper book is directly in your hands and you can feel the pages. I have read e-books and then gone out and bought the tangible book because I loved it so much. It makes it feel like you’re holding a whole world in your hands.
Let’s get physical
When it comes to the fight between e-books and paper physical books, it becomes tricky over which is better due to personal choice but paper books have some clear advantages. Some of the most important advantages are eye-strain, getting better sleep, supporting small businesses, and getting a better experience out of the story you’re reading. So next time you think about buying an e-book that’s going to hurt your eyes, consider checking out your local used bookshop for the same book, the smell is going to take you back to memories of reading when you were little.